Thursday, May 17, 2012

Trash to Treasures

Can you imagine spending your whole life since you were able to walk rummaging through trash, hoping to find a bottles, cans or anything of some value? Many of the families here are so poor and have no real way to make money. So, the mom and kids spend the whole day, from sun up from sundown collecting trash. If they are lucky they might make $1 a day.  The kids do not get to go to school and often are found on the streets by themselves. It puts them all at great jeopardy for being trafficked, hurt, or abused. It's a life that leaves little hope for the future. The missionary couple we are working with met some of these kids on the street when they first moved here and knew they had to do something to help.

Ben and Cherie decided to get to know these kids and their families. As their relationship with them built, so did their investment in the families lives. Ben and Cherie have done so much I hardly know where to begin. They started helping the families by getting them some food and speaking to the parents about the value of their children. They have helped the parents find others sources of income, run an afterschool kids club, and most of all love on these kids and their families.

The first day I met some of the kids we were moving one of the families to a new home. Their house (term used very loosely) was near the river and flooded every time it rained. The night before we arrived it rained and the river rose so quick that the kids had to stand in the windowsill not to get swept away. We moved all of their things which consisted of 3 laundry baskets full of things across the river to a brand new place away from the river. The kids were SO happy. In fact, I don't think I have ever seen anyone more excited in my life. All the kids and the mom were so full of love and life. I thought maybe it was just because they got to move. Nope, they were like that each time I saw them. The kids eyes danced with joy and they would grin ear to ear, run to give and get hugs and giggle until they couldn't breathe. I never knew them when they were picking up the trash on the streets, but I have seen countless others just like them. As you can imagine those kids aren't happy and full of joy.

I have learned so much just by watching these kids and the simple acts of love that changed their lives. I am not saying it won't cost anything because in fact it may cost a lot to truly love and give of yourself for other people, but the reward is priceless. It has made me ask myself what am I willing to give of myself and who around me needs the love I have to give. There are treasures amongst the "trash" all around us, if we just choose to really see.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I watched a documentary on this exact situation and it was really moving...yet there you are living it and providing nurturing to these families. I am happy to know you and read your stories! You make a difference :)
