Monday, September 12, 2011


Goodbyes are no fun! I had a hard time saying goodbye or see ya later to my family, friend, and my dearly loved patients. I did not anticipate it being so hard, but it was, there were many tears. Yet, there is something so rich during that time as I would reflect on people who have touched my life and what they had meant to me. It is a safe time to say things that I might not normally have said, but had always felt and appreciated about people. The reverse was also true, others said some of the most gracious and affirming words. My time spent with people was richer and more intentional. I laughed more, cried more, loved deeper during those few weeks before I left. I was lavished with gifts and the extreme generosity from people in all parts of my life. There were so many amazing moments. Thank you is not enough for all that was said and done. I often wondered during that time, how to live that way everyday, not necessarily with the sorrow, but the richness of the moments, the freedom and urgency to say the words of kindness and speak value into others. It was a good reminder to me that we have no guarantees of tomorrow and today to its fullest.