The transition to life in Boise has been so easy. I have been here about 6 weeks and it feels like I have lived here for years. People are so friendly! I was welcomed into instant community and friends, thanks to my wonderful roommate Becky and my almost roommate Kathie. Since the week I arrived, I have had offers for dinner, coffee, and outings. Every weekend as been filled with friends, fun, and new discoveries. I also was given a great gift of attending a women's conference with the women of Mission Aviation Fellowship. They were so welcoming and we had a TON of fun. Lot's of laughter, game playing and exploring the outdoors. Then the next weekend two of my friends from my last job came up for a visit. It was so great to explore together and just be with people who know me. I kept thinking how lucky I am to have such great friends. I have been overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of those around me. It has been such a tangible representation of God's love for me.
Even though life here has been wonderful, my heart aches as I think of those I love back in home. I miss my family, friends, my job (really), church, and so much else and if I can't think about my niece and nephew without shedding a tear. I had two friends from home die in the first month that I was here. It really brought being gone into reality. If I am honest, there have been a few moments that I wanted to give up this pursuit and head back home. They were always fleeting, as my I would think on two things. The first, how rich I am to have family and friends whom I love deeply. The distance is hard, but the depth of relationship is life giving. Secondly, I think of those women who I will someday sit beside and help bring life into the world. The forgotten, scared, sad, dejected, lonely, fearful; who need more than ever to know that they are valued, loved and treasured.
It has been fun experiencing a new place, making new friends and learning new things. I forgot to mention school in the update. It has been challenging and inspiring to learn new skills and tools to broaden my capacity to help others. I find myself dreaming and imagining the places and people that I will have the honor of coming along side. I am one lucky girl!
My coworkers came for a visit. Thanks Charlene and Beth! |
Hiking at the women's retreat in McCall. |
Celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving! |
A few of my classmates: Jasmine, Jen and Amy |
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