Saturday, November 5, 2011


We have been talking about adoption in class this week. It is a subject so close to my heart. I would love to adopt a child. I wish I was in a place that I could welcome a child in to my family. It bring tears to think of these kids all around the world who do not know they were valued and loved. It makes my heart hurt and if I am not careful it starts the questions of why's.  I then went to church tonight and found out it was adoption Sunday and saw this:

I sat near a guy who was obviously mentally delayed and yet he sang loud, out of tune with joy. He was a delight and I cried more as I saw God's pleasure in his child.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Overwhelmed with kindess

The transition to life in Boise has been so easy. I have been here about 6 weeks and it feels like I have lived here for years. People are so friendly! I was welcomed into instant community and friends, thanks to my wonderful roommate Becky and my  almost roommate Kathie. Since the week I arrived, I have had offers for dinner, coffee, and outings. Every weekend as been filled with friends, fun, and new discoveries. I also was given a great gift of attending a women's conference with the women of Mission Aviation Fellowship. They were so welcoming and we had a TON of fun. Lot's of laughter, game playing and exploring the outdoors. Then the next weekend two of my friends from my last job came up for a visit. It was so great to explore together and just be with people who know me. I kept thinking how lucky I am to have such great friends. I have been overwhelmed with the kindness and generosity of those around me. It has been such a tangible representation of God's love for me.

Even though life here has been wonderful, my heart aches as I think of those I love back in home. I miss my family, friends, my job (really), church, and so much else and if I can't think about my niece and nephew without shedding a tear. I had two friends from home die in the first month that I was here. It really brought being gone into reality. If I am honest, there have been a few moments that I wanted to give up this pursuit and head back home. They were always fleeting, as my I would think on two things. The first, how rich I am to have family and friends whom I love deeply. The distance is hard, but the depth of relationship is life giving. Secondly, I think of those women who I will someday sit beside and help bring life into the world. The forgotten, scared, sad, dejected, lonely, fearful; who need more than ever to know that they are valued, loved and treasured.

It has been fun experiencing a new place, making new friends and learning new things. I forgot to mention school in the update. It has been challenging and inspiring to learn new skills and tools to broaden my capacity to help others. I find myself dreaming and imagining the places and people that I will have the honor of coming along side. I am one lucky girl!
My coworkers came for a visit. Thanks Charlene and Beth!

Hiking at the women's retreat in McCall. 

Celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving! 

A few of my classmates: Jasmine, Jen and Amy

Monday, September 12, 2011


Goodbyes are no fun! I had a hard time saying goodbye or see ya later to my family, friend, and my dearly loved patients. I did not anticipate it being so hard, but it was, there were many tears. Yet, there is something so rich during that time as I would reflect on people who have touched my life and what they had meant to me. It is a safe time to say things that I might not normally have said, but had always felt and appreciated about people. The reverse was also true, others said some of the most gracious and affirming words. My time spent with people was richer and more intentional. I laughed more, cried more, loved deeper during those few weeks before I left. I was lavished with gifts and the extreme generosity from people in all parts of my life. There were so many amazing moments. Thank you is not enough for all that was said and done. I often wondered during that time, how to live that way everyday, not necessarily with the sorrow, but the richness of the moments, the freedom and urgency to say the words of kindness and speak value into others. It was a good reminder to me that we have no guarantees of tomorrow and today to its fullest.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Here begins my blogging debut. Thanks for reading (mom :) ) I am about to begin a year of training to become a midwife in order to go help women and children in Central Asia. The responses to what I am doing is varied, but most look at me with  great concern and I am sure are thinking, "Chris must have gone a bit crazy". I get it and understand where they are coming from, but maybe this may add a glimpse into my "crazy" thinking. 

I have had the wonderful privilege of working as a nurse caring for cancer patients. I have learned so much about life and how to walk gracefully through some of the hardest circumstances.  It is watching my patients navigate the rough waters of life that taught me to see the beauty a whole new way. Their ability to hope in the midst of tough times is like a flower growing in the midst of the desert.
 It is strikingly beautiful. 

The road ahead will be hard and probably extremely difficult at times, but I am certain there is beauty to be discovered at each step. I want to celebrate the beauty of the women who have been shrouded by their cultural rules and to shine light on the good in a land of adversity.