Here is my last newsletter. The format didn't work on here, so it doesn't look as nice, but all the info is still here. I thought I could post it for those of you I do not have an email address. Here is an update on what I am up to.
March 21, 2012
God's Promises...
I asked some of my classmates what is one of their favorite promises from God. Here is the list and it amazed me that they all said something different.
• He gives us beauty for ashes • He never leaves us • He gives us the desires of our heart • He is a voice for the voiceless • His mercies are new every day • He will provide
• When we seek Him we will find him• We are blessed to be a blessing • He is faithful • He will give us rest for our souls • He renews our strength• He will break the chains that bind us
• All things will work for good to those called according to His purpose. • He will comfort us in our troubles
I have the most amazing view from where I am staying here in New Zealand. I look out every day and I am taken by the beauty of this place. I didn’t think it could get any prettier until I looked out earlier this week and saw a rainbow. They are so breathtaking. I have seen three rainbows just this week. As I took in the beauty of the rainbows, my mind started wandering through God’s promises and I realized it was a great representation of my time here.
Just as a reminder, I am here in New Zealand (north island) attending a discipleship training school with Youth With a Mission. I needed to take this 6 month course in order to join my friend Amy, who has been working with YWAM for years now. Our team vision is to take our midwifery skills to help women in remote parts of Central Asia. Attending this school was more of a means to an end for me, but God had many other plans. This time has far exceeded every expectation I had. I have been blown away by the teaching, learning, and the abundant gifts He has given me while I have been here. He has fulfilled some of His promises to me in this time and has given me hope for the promises not yet fulfilled. He brought insight and healing to areas of my life. I came ready to join the medical team and to continue in my role as a nurse. Within the first week, I realized I had a problem understanding God, as a Just God. There was still bitterness in me from the horrors I saw during my time in Sierra Leone. I thought I had dealt with it before, but basically just decided not to think about it. Through several different circumstances I became acutely aware of my need to correct my understanding of God. So, I decided to change from the medical to the justice focused school. Here we would wrestle through the questions and look at the hard realities of injustice in the world. It has been a place where I could be honest about my thoughts, feelings, and questions. Through this time I have realized that I have always been drawn to justice issues, but shunned away from them due to my lack of trust with God. I would not have been able to make it, let alone be affective in Central Asia without having a firm and unwavering understanding of God. I am so thankful for this time and all that has happened here.
Our team’s (Amy and I) plans to go to Central Asia have been pushed back another 2 years. There has been a lot going on in the country, with the team there and our need to be prepared. The additional delay was very disappointing at first. Honestly, it just made me question if I had made the right choice to pursue this dream. I am confident that the choice is right, but the fulfillment of the dream might look different than I thought. I have been recognizing the core of that dream is to help and stand with the broken, forgotten, vulnerable women and kids in this world. At this stage, I feel like God has asked me to lay all my plans down and just wait. It is hard not having a plan (I am a total planner), but I am learning to rest and trust in Him in the not knowing. My excitement and anticipation of what might be next is growing. I know that this next season will be one of continued preparation both in skills and heart and gaining the experience needed for the next plan.
I can not tell you how much each of your love and support means to me. My life is so rich and full from having people like you in my life. I would appreciate your prayers
during this next season and I would love to talk with you more about my time in the Philippines, here in New Zealand, and about the future. I am excited for my time in Cambodia coming up in just a few days. I will send out another update once I get back.
The journey continues,
My team and I are headed to Cambodia!
My team is headed to
Cambodia to put into practice things we have learned during the justice school. We will be supporting and helping local organizations that are working against sex trafficking and its ramifications. My heart has been broken over the thought of these girls and boys who have been forced to “work” in this area. As I was sharing with a friend of mine what we might be doing and the kids we might meet, I started to cry. My friend looked at me and asked what are you going to do with those tears? It was the reminder I needed that emotions okay, but if they don’t lead to action then I have missed what they were trying to show me. I am looking forward to putting those tears into action and seeing what else this journey has to show me.

Thank you all for your love and support. What a journey God has me on. He is challenging me to rest in Him and his provision as I await the next steps of this journey. I can not tell you how comforting it is to know that there are people like you supporting, encouraging and praying for me. I can’t do it without you!
Next steps...
• April 7 - May 24th... Cambodia
• May 24th -June 13th...New Zealand with a brief stop
over in Australia
• June 14th...back to California, with trips to see friends and
• August and on... ? waiting for next steps, will you pray with me for God’s direction and clarity of His purposes for me at this time.